Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bucket List - Aussie Style

I've been in Australia for awhile now but I haven't seen everything I want to see here. So I've created a Bucket List for Australia.

Twelve Apostles

Daintree Rainforest

Kakadu National park

Horizontal Waterfalls

Fraser Island (plus the Whitsunday Islands)

 Bungee Jump off Sydney Harbour Bridge

Honestly there's quite a good bit more but thought I'd leave it at this for now. I luckily already crossed off a few like the Great Barrier Reef and I am going to get a couple more knocked off the list in the next few months. I am beyond excited! I wish I could be traveling on the regular but my law school lifestyle totally holds that back, stupid education. Why can't someone just give me money to travel around and live the "bohemian lifestyle"?

What is on your bucket list?

1 comment:

  1. I would love to visit these places! Australia is gorgeous! I bet you're having a fabulous time!

    P.S. Thanks for following my blog! Have a fabulous week!
